Thursday, 23 December 2010


Menu Design and Development
Are you unique?

So many of today's restaurants have the same menu  item with a twist. These twists do not make you better or different. You blend in with the rest.
    Is your menu memorable?

Do you skimp on quality? Do you cut corners? Hopefully you answered no to both questions. Quality and Consistency is what will set you apart from your competition.

As the industry remains highly competitive, the concept of delivering food to the consumer is becoming more and more innovative. A menu needs to cater to today’s changing lifestyles while cross utilizing products to lower the amount of inventory items all the while providing a unique experience that forms a lasting memory.

The Recipe of Success has joined forces with today’s leaders of food technology . With a vast experience, in both full service kitchen operations and quick serve restaurants, it allows us the unique insight that allows for truly distinctive menu items that results in menu to remember.

While developing your menu, we will take into account the total cost of goods sold, ease of preparation, ability to be recreated consistently and in multiple restaurants as well as product availability. Once the menu is developed and agreed upon, the proper training materials and job aids will be developed and furnished. We can also provide the necessary hands on training to insure a complete understanding of the program.


Menus Make the Difference!

The key to the perfect menu is in the creation of mouth watering descriptions that are even better in person. One of our primary goals when creating menu items is to make sure that the product is memorable.

Having a sumptuous menu that is unique will be your point of differentiation that will keep your guests coming back day after day. Whether you are looking for a everyday menu, catering menu or delivery menu, we will provide you with a perfect recipe of items.

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