Thursday, 20 January 2011

key skills web design

A web designer usually works for a design agency which is hired by clients for one-off projects. The designer will work with the client from the initial brief through to the launch of the project to make sure that the website is built exactly to their specifications.

After the initial brief, the designer will produce a design plan for the site. They will choose the colours, fonts, background and any multimedia such as flash animation or video. The designer also needs to have technical knowledge of web design software, as he/she may be involved with making changes to the site structure.
What qualifications do I need?

The most important thing for a web designer is experience. Whether it is experience of building your own websites or designing pages for other people, most jobs will require you to show examples of your previous work.

A degree in one of the following subjects could also help you: multimedia design, interactive computing, web design and development. Many universities offer these specific courses, for which you will need three good A-levels

bad web hosts ??

1. Your website is down on a frequent basis. When your website is down, you can’t make sales online. It’s just that simple. Every minute your site is down is money that you could be losing. While a lot of hosting companies will promise a certain percentage of uptime, it’s hard to gauge which ones really live up to their claims. Your best bet is to find one that actually guarantees 99% or more uptime and that has a proven track record of satisfying their customers.

2. You can’t get in touch with customer service. You want to know how some companies are able to offer ridiculously cheap hosting? They do it by cutting their customer service. They either outsource their service or reduce the number of hours it’s available. Unfortunately, your website is a 24/7 store, and if it goes down, you need to get it back up no matter what time day or night it is. Make sure you choose a hosting company that offers 24/7 customer support.

3. Your website takes too long to load. Load time is important for a couple of key reasons. First, the average visitor gives a new website 8 seconds to grab his interest. If your website takes too long to load, visitors will back out before even seeing your content. Also, load time seems to play a role in determining your website’s search engine placement. A quality web host can help your site load faster.

4. Your website keeps getting hacked.Most people look at uptime and bandwidth when choosing their host. However, they overlook the importance of security. A web host with poor security could leave your website and personal information at risk. Make sure your hosting company uses the latest security technology to help keep your website safe.

good website design

Tips For Good Website Design

1. Make every call to action as obvious as possible.
2. Don’t give the user too many choices.
3. Never ask for too much information.
4. Don’t have too much text.
5. Remove any visual distractions from the calls to action.
6. Build trust by adding credibility logos.

use of the pci slot : fitting guide

The slow ISA interfaces are still found on older PC mainboards, but the AGP bus and the newer PCI (PCI express) bus became accepted for graphic cards since a long time. Normal PCI interfaces are established since years and are available in all recent computers to build in for example sound or network cards.

No matter how different these interfaces are, the installation of ISA, PCI and AGP cards is always the same. The new card is installed by strong but careful pressure into a free slot.

In order to do this, the case of the computer has to be opened and the slot covering of the chosen slot on the back has to be removed by loosening the screw. If the card has been plugged in properly, the slot bracket of the card can be screwed tightly exactly where the slot blind had been removed before.

In case Windows is not able to find a new device by booting the next time, try Windows hardware recognition (Start: Settings / Systems Control / Hardware).

If this does not suceed as well, a device conflict could be on the hand. This can be checked easily with the help of the device manager (Start: Settings / System Control / System. Select device manager here). Under Windows XP the device manager is also available at System Control / System, but under the tab “hardware”, option device manager. The easiest way to avoid the device conflict is to plug the new card into another free PCI slot.

My image traditional carping

another night under the stars.

It would be easy to miss them most are on private land, camouflaged to the untrained eye. But, increasingly members of this vague association of individuals are appearing in concreted city parks, beside urban canals and in shadows under bridges.

Indeed, such is the growth in popularity of carp angling, that you might find a furtive angler lurking anywhere there is water.

The 1990s changed the face of fishing. The pursuit of carp, one of the biggest and most widespread fish in the country, replaced the stale and outdated tradition of fishing competitively for smaller species

Heron bite alarms, Gardner monkey climbers, Tutti Frutti boilies: all part of a wave of new technology to appear in shops that made catching carp more accessible to the average angler.

A few small companies cashed in on the angler’s desire to hold up a monster for the camera by commercialising decades of know-how, hard-won by a core of pioneering carp fisherman.

Fast-forward to the present and abandon the image you may have of fishermen; rollies an maggots are nowhere in sight.

Upon glistening stainless steel stands sit rods and reels worth thousands of pounds. Behind, anglers relax upon portable beds inside drab-green tents waiting for the electronic squeal that will alert them that a fish has taken the bait.

That bleep could come at any time, night or day - it might never come at all. That depends on the angler.

This encapsulates one of the most fascinating aspects of the modern carp fishing phenomenon. While the tens of thousands who participate in the sport might seem to have much in common, the opposite is often true.

Some choose to dedicate months, and even years, to catching a handful of fish from vast inland seas; relishing the accompanying solitude. Other seek a quicker catch from smaller, busier lakes where socialising is an equal part of the experience. The majority fall somewhere in the middle, balancing time and money constraints with the desire to taste success.

The carp fishing fraternity is as broad and diverse a group of people as you could hope to find. ‘Carpers’ come from all backgrounds, and beside a lake is one of the few places that a company director might speak uninhibited with factory-floor workers.

It might seem a strange goal, to carefully unhook, hold for a photo and release such large fish. But, the appeal comes from deep within, tapping into our most primeval instincts.

The sense that the ‘real world’ does not penetrate into fishing life, and that the bankside is a place to escape to, might also explain why so many spend so much time (and money) in their pursuit. In difficult times, it is hardly surprising to find that carpers end up hidden in the most unlikely of places.
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